Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Extra Credit Work

Extra Credit Work

Q FOLLOW ALL BELOW DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY. YOU CAN ONLY SUBMIT 1X. You can do up to 2 events with the opportunity to earn up to 20 extra credit points. Each event or industry example is worth up to 10 points each. A) You will have the opportunity to attend a few NKU events such as the BGS Speaker series, Women In Business Club, Teaching presentations, Business Week, etc. I will email these when available / appropriate for this class. To receive credit, 1) State the name and date of the event. 2) You must have proof of attendance and upload it to this assignment. Perhaps a screen shot, a picture of you with the speaker, etc. 3) Identify the Issues/main theme (think about internal and external issues) 4) Identify at least 2 concepts/theories from class that are present/evident (cite/source correctly) 5) Identify at least 2 recommendation using a course concept/theory that directly aligns to fixing the issues identified. If you're unable to attend, you will have the opportunity to submit an industry example. See below. (option B) B) Find a current business (supply website and any supporting articles/documentation) that is experiencing an issue/concept/theory we've discussed in class. To receive credit, 1) Identify the company and issue. Note the date, website, and/or article/news source. 2) Identify the Issues/main theme (think about internal and external issues) 3) Identify at least 2 concepts/theories from class that are present/evident (cite/source correctly) 4) Identify at least 2 recommendations using a course concept/theory that directly aligns to fixing the issues identified. Please submit in business style writing no longer than 1 page. References must be cited/sourced correctly to receive full credit. Up to 20 Total points possible. (Points show as 0 since it's an addition to the total points and not 20/20), but instead 0/20). If you have earned 500 out of 500 possible course points, and you earn these 20 points, you would then have 520 of 500 possible points. Late assignments will not be accepted. Follow ALL instructions to receive credit. Do not email this assignment or comment in the assignment comments. Simply type your response. Note, these points are difficult to earn. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and have solid recommendations. The goal of this assignment is to allow you an opportunity to directly apply what you're learning, outside of the classroom and/or in a real world setting. FOLLOW ALL BELOW DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY. YOU CAN ONLY SUBMIT 1X. IF YOU SUBMIT 1 EXAMPLE AND THEN WANT TO SUBMIT A 2ND EXAMPLE LATER, IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. SUBMIT BOTH AT 1X. To receive full credit: -Follow all instructions to receive full credit. -Submit 1 paper, 1x only. (if you attend 2 events/have 2 industry examples, submit ONLY 1 time and 1 paper to receive full credit) -Write in Business Style writing -Cite/source correctly -1 page max total

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Apple Information Source: The first company recognized for analysis is "Apple Inc”, which is known for its continuous improvement endeavors by effective organizational change management. The main concept/theory taught in class was the "Congruence model" in dealing with organizational changes. It is justifiable to take up and consistently use the Congruence model to deal with issues faced by Apple ie leadership challenges involved in its model and change into the distinctive and ever-evolving organizational model (Sabir, 2018).